Here's the image I have chosen to include in the 1 Million Flickr group.
It's a colour original with the following modifications; B&W filtered conversion using Picasa, un-sharp mask, resize, lighten, black-out background, clone out minor imperfections.
The modifications took about 1 hour in total and was the parents favourite image from the shoot.
So far, its my most viewed and favourited image on flickr and is No1 out of 500 in Explore for Dec 30th 2006.
So why is it MY best? Well, it's the image that Im most pleased with. At the beginning of the session I had this image in my mind, however the parents were very conservative and only wanted the most basic of portraits of their Son. I saved it to the end of the shoot once I had achieved what they wanted.
After all the post-processing, I feel that this is one of the images that I have finished - Im happy with it as it is. It's an image I know I can show to anyone to demonstrate my skill and competence with a camera a lightsource. And it's an image that makes me smile loads both inside and out...
Will I take better? I hope so! But for now, this is my own personal benchmark.
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